Self Empowerment is critical to a happy, confident and self sufficient human being.
Many of us feel lost, and are left struggling in so many ways keeping us from living our life’s potential. Each one of us has it within us to achieve the dreams and desires that are coming from our heart space. But we are humans and human world is based on relationships. In order for us to have the best human relationships we have to learn the tools to have the best relationship with the Self first. And this is where a Mentor comes in the picture – the mentor of the best kind, who not only has your best interest, but who has the skills and the tools to support your growth process. It is imperative that each one of us who has this intense desire to grow, to find this person whose philosophies and teaching style you agree with, who you will listen to and who will be subtly aggressive in their coaching so that you can actually see the results you desire. The student-teacher relationship is very important, and so it is even more important to find the right teacher. It is also very important for the teacher to find the right student. When there is an authentic meeting of the minds, the outcome is SUCCESS.
Yesterday, I could not have said it better as was said by one of my Private Annual Life Coaching Students:
“Aren’t we naive and ignorant to know if we are perceiving things in the right direction before we knew the POWER of EMPOWERMENT!
How my Journey of Freedom began?
I reached out for help. July 4th, 2013 was my first session.
How it helped me?
- Made me believe in myself every time
- Changed my mind set by making me realize how important it is the way you perceive things and you always have to keep moving
- Made me aware of how my thoughts, perceptions, belief system attracted people, situations in my life
- Provided logical answers, a different way of looking to all my questions
- Made me aware of the cosmos laws and how the universe works
- Journey continues in getting empowered, building a self-centered and unshakable being
- I am very grateful to have find a Mentor, who has created this awareness in me and has a burning desire (of the same level) to see me where I wish to see myself in LIFE!!”
~ Umang Goel
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