My personal health journey from not taking care of myself to becoming a health practitioner has given me tremendous life benefits that I will be forever grateful for. Learning healthy habits over the course of years has not only helped me and my family but it has enabled me to become a role model to many. I feel blessed to have started on this healing journey quite a few years ago. One of the biggest benefits of practicing healthy habits is my fast recovery from accidental body injuries. Over the years I have proven to myself time and again how quickly I heal myself withing 3-7 days where others may have spent weeks and months.
A recent accident when my wet feet slipped on laminated floor had me in pain in various parts of the body – My left upper arm could not be lifted with so much pain, my right elbow bone was in pain, my right toes were injured, and I realized on day 2 that my left side of the head must have also felt the impact of the fall. I did the right things – nursed myself with cold pack, took pain and inflammation prevention medicine, applied muscle relaxant, upped my water and protein intake, but kept moving gently as I taught my yoga classes with just the right amount of movement. I also went in for chiropractic adjustment. All of this had me healed in 3 days and by the 4th day, the pain had eased completely, and my arm movements were back to normal. My healthy life practices always come to the rescue.
Unhealthy life practices leads to frequent suffering and longer recovery
Many people become home bound very easily as they:
- fall sick frequently with symptoms of cold and flu
- develop headaches and migraines
- become over stressed
- hurt or injure themselves
They invariably lag behind in work or some other important aspect of their life as they now take a long time to recover from the health issue. This is a direct result of the body not being in an optimal state.
The optimal body state is where blood circulation is normal, nutrients are readily available for proper body functioning, the lungs are healthy and the mind is calm and relaxed.
Healing is very fast with healthy life practices
When the body is functioning at its optimal state, illness, and diseases stay away. Immune system is strong and able to resist any illness in the surroundings. Such people don’t need to call in sick or miss important matters as a result.
A healthy functioning body also recovers very fast from accidental injuries.
Which healthy life practices prevent illnesses and aid fast recovery from injuries?
Healthy life practices act like magic when it comes to prevention of illness or fast recovery from injuries.
- Yoga Stretching, Strengthening, Balancing and Body Building Exercises.
- Breathing/Pranayama Practices for healthy lungs and a strong immune system
- Meditation Practices for a healthy, calm, joyful and peaceful mind
- Clean eating with body cleansing foods and foods that do not inflame the system
- Hydrating the body optimally
- Getting restful sleep
- Staying emotionally, mentally and spiritually balanced
Why don’t people practice healthy habits?
Healthy habits are formed over a period of time and requires effort until health becomes a habit. Many have never truly paid attention to their body or mind and have let themselves get derailed from the health track for many years as a result of lack of knowledge, lack of awareness and procrastination. They have formed a habit of making excuses for their lack of healthy habits. They do not know where to start after they become overwhelmed with stress, excess weight and fatigue.
How can such people get back on track with healthy habits?
- By first becoming aware of their unhealthy state
- Reaching out to compassionate experts for guidance, support and motivation.
What helps such people to get out of their vicious cycle of unhealthy practices?
- Someone who will listen to them patiently and with compassion and caring.
- Someone who will hold their hands virtually and take them on the right health path step by step.
- Someone who will continue to motivate and inspire irrespective of what may be going on.
- Someone who will become a friend showering tough love without emotional baggage.
- Someone who will hold them accountable for staying on the health track.
We at Wellness Haven have the right skills, experience and tools to take such a person from chaos to health. We have helped hundreds cross the bridge from pain to health.