Finding Balance

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A well balanced life is the secret to joy and happiness.

There are a few areas of life that we all need to be aware of to create that fine balance we all need in our lives:

  • Mental – This is a very important ingredient in the recipe for a joyful life. If the ‘head’ is together and finds its connection with  the heart, every other aspect of life flows beautifully, irrespective of what unfolds in front of us.
  • Emotional – Emotional well-being comes from understanding the basic life principles; emotional strengthening helps us create a life that is progressive and not stuck.
  • Spiritual – Spiritual growth helps us understand and accept life peacefully and joyfully.  It brings faith in your Higher Self enabling life to unfold without the tight controlling grip. Prayer and Gratitude are key ingredients.
  • Physical – Physical health enables us take full advantage of the opportunities life presents us with. Flexibility, strength, balance and stamina as well as the right nutrients not only helps our body to be healthy but also helps our minds to become flexible, strong and balanced, allowing us to be joyfully independent and self sufficient.
  • Financial – When mind is working at its optimal best and the body is fluid, balance comes in the financial part of our lives as well for we are able to work with our passions and empowered to achieve the life of our dreams.
  • Relationships – With a healthy mind, a healthy body and a secure financial future, relationships are also at their very best.

Balancing life is a juggling act. Very few of us are completely balanced in every aspect of our lives. But awareness at all times allows us to take a deeper look at our life and evaluate every so often which parts of our life need a tune-up.

Many may even be aware of which part of life is in chaos, but may not be mentally, or emotionally ready to act on it, leading to continued imbalance and chaos. This is where expert coaching becomes a necessity.

Life is as simple as you want it to be but it can only be achieved by bringing awareness leading into action and ultimately into balance.

It is the law of nature to be in balance. What falls out of balance has to come back in balance. How difficult the coming back to balance will be resides in our hands.

We all are aware that:
PREVENTION IS MANY TIMES BETTER THAN CURE – Why get into a broken state with scars before attempting balance? Why not take all necessary actions to prevent going out of balance?

PREVENTION IS ALSO LESS EXPENSIVE THAN CURE – Why get into forced spending that is externally controlled after we are broken and when there is no other choice?

You cannot be happy if you are not balanced.

Here is a fine balanced recipe for a healthy, happy, joyful and balanced  life:

1. Make a habit of  Joyful Mental practices EVERYDAY to keep the mind strong.

2. Practice Breathing/Pranayama and Meditation EVERYDAY to stay in a relaxed and calm state of mind so that beauty can unfold naturally.

3. Practice Therapeutic Yoga Asanas EVERYDAY to keep both your mental and physical body flexible, strong, and balanced.

4. Put the Right Nutrients in your body EVERYDAY to keep both your mental and physical body functioning at its optimal best.

5. Indulge in Spiritual practices like prayer and gratitude EVERYDAY to bring your mind and heart in sync and to keep your spirits soaring high.

Evaluate yourself regularly so that you can keep bringing yourself into that fine balance that keep the elusive happiness very much a part of your daily life.

~ Umang Goel

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