Gentle Yoga
It is with great pleasure I am writing this post, for 2014 is the year I visited my parents in India and it urged me to introduce Gentle Yoga at Wellness Haven.
My mom is 75 and my dad is 83. I knew that both had started doing Gentle Stretches on recommendation form their doctors and were keeping in much better health than before their exercises.
Summer of 2014 is when I visited my parents for a month. I observed them doing their exercises. I especially paid attention as my mom showed me all the yogic stretches that she had been practicing for some months and had experienced great benefits. The fact that she was able to avoid the lower spine surgery that had been previously prescribed by doctors who were not practicing alternative care, was a huge life transforming event for my mother. She had taken a second and a third opinion and found that there was a way to heal without surgical intervention.
Besides help at the doctor’s facility, my mother started following all the stretch routines they prescribed for her and her health improved. I used this visit with my parents to formulate a Gentle Yoga Class with many of the stretches that she was doing and including many others I knew would benefit those who had never exercised before, those who had some trouble bending their knees, those who were unable to sit for too long without back support. The outcome was a Gentle Yoga Class at Wellness Haven.
Over weeks and months since it started, it had become a very robust class and is very well liked by Wellness Haven Students. The interesting part is that it is liked by ALL – those who are beginning practitioners, those who are not used to yoga as well as those who have been practicing yoga for months in other Wellness Haven Yoga Classes! It is for EVERYONE.
I communicate with my mom on a regular basis telling her about what we are doing in the class and she continues to share all that she is learning. A few days ago my mom shared some more moves that she had started on after her recent visit to her physical therapist and I included that in my Gentle Yoga Class. I told my students what I was introducing and who it had come from and what resulted was a beautiful spontaneous recording of their delightful messages to my mom, that can be heard in the recording pasted below.
Are you someone who would like to exercise every part of your body from head to toe?
Are you someone who has difficulty sitting on the mat without support?
Are you someone who has knee conditions preventing from bending knees in tedious asanas?
Whether you have any ailments or have none at all, Gentle Yoga proves to be a full body workout class, without being tedious on the body.
Don’t let the word Gentle fool you, for it has been named for the simple reason that it is effective for all cases. Experience the class for yourself to see how effective this is. For class schedule visit: Class Schedule
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