How many times in your life have you felt “I am STUCK!”?
It is our mission at Wellness Haven Yoga in San Ramon to enable you to become “unstuck” and to take charge of your life back into your own hands through our various programs that suit your need. We discover your need through a complimentary consultation session.
Each one of us feels this way at one point or another in our lives especially with feelings like:
- I am stuck in my weight.
- I am stuck in my relationship.
- I am stuck in my job.
- I am stuck in my life!
We feel stuck in various aspects of our lives: health, money, relationship, work. We get frustrated for we think we are doing everything to get unstuck but nothing comes of it.
WHY do we stay stuck?
This is because old habits die hard. We keep repeating old patterns of behavior. We are stuck in our belief system preventing us from changing in-spite of wanting to change. And after trying really hard, we feel overwhelmed. trapped, unworthy, dis-empowered, desperate, frustrated, disappointed and doubtful of everything. We start thinking and accepting that we do not deserve what we want! And if we do get what we want we will not be able to keep it! We stay stuck in fear. This is where self-sabotaging behavior begins and we sabotage ourselves again and again in spite of out best foot forward. We remain STUCK!
How do we become unstuck?
We need to look deeper into ourselves and discover what behavior and patterns we have had. We need to discover the limiting beliefs that have become barriers in our growth. And then we need to take actions steps to change those limiting beliefs and behavior patterns. But it is not easy. If it was simple, the whole world would be in a better place.
We all need help!
Yes each one of us needs help and support to become empowered again, because this empowerment will take us over the hump of barriers standing in our way of attaining our goals to become unstuck. Each one of us needs proper and correct guidance, someone to hold our hands virtually and inspire us and motivate us every step of the way to the next level in the path of attaining freedom from barriers standing tall in our path . It is a fact that even though our loved ones, whether family or friends, are ready to help us, we may not be ready for their guidance due to our emotional connection. They also may not have the proper tools at their disposal to help us.
Help comes from an experienced coach
Well known and successful personalities have expert coaches behind their back for everybody needs help to get over barriers in their path and to go to the next level. The best coaches have experience, and have helped hundreds get over their mental barriers through tools and techniques, compassion and understanding and more than anything holding hands every step of the way until success is achieved. These coaches have also lived the experience.
The right coaches understand the basic emotional needs for every human are love, safety and belonging. They also understand that each one of us remain stuck simply because of our own mental resistance and objections to what we want, that we all unknowingly create struggling circumstances around us. We remain in the struggle for we are still able to somehow survive! We do not like “risks” or anything “unfamiliar”. So even when there is a opportunity for growth, to become unstuck, we become nervous about change, fear arises to the forefront and we choose to say “No” to the very needed experiences. Money issues come to the forefront for we are unable to evaluate the worthiness of spending for our own good. We fail to understand the long term benefits of investment into ourselves for we have become a society of instant gratification. We may not think twice about spending on things we do not need or the thousands spent on temporary pleasures, but our minds become stuck when it is about investment into our own health: mental, emotional and spiritual growth or non invasive physical health. We then justify ourselves for our indecision. We remain stuck for years to come!
Here are some of the sentences that spill out of us when we are at the verge of making a much needed decision that our inner gut tells us to make:
“I will get back to you!”
“I need to think about it!”
“I need to talk to my spouse about this.”
“I have started on many things before, but I have never stuck to them!”
instead of acknowledging the real reason behind the indecision:
“I am scared of…!”
and then taking actions steps to actually make it happen, for antidote to fear is action!
We end up experiencing the very thing we did not want or need!
The 2 sides of our brain are always telling us 2 opposite things and it continues to sway and our dominant side of the brain wins!:
“I am too fearful to change!” or “I love learning and I want to change”
Acknowledge the need for change and accept help
- The first step towards change is acknowledging that there is a need for change.
- Research your resources that will bring about the desired change
- Take the initiative and get help from the expert change agent
- Take the expert advice, take the prescribed action steps and make the change!
Know that all you need is already there for you!
- You simply need to make your way through your fears to make the change
- You need to be ready for the receiving without fear and you will then change successfully
We as human beings are constantly evolving every moment and when this process comes with awareness, change is inevitable.
You want to lose fat? You can do it!
You want to be healthier in your body? You can do it!
You want better relationships? You can do it!
Trust your instincts. Have a little more faith in yourself. You will become unstuck.