Are you someone who says, “I do not like to exercise!” ?
Wellness Haven excels at providing a program for those who”hate” exercising!
We have programs for EVERYONE: https://www.wellnesshaven.com/wellness-haven-yoga-classes/
We have a class where you forget that you did not like exercising for you are taken into a joyful worls where you simply thrive in what you do in the 1 hour we spend with you!
Listen in to what Sadaf has to say in the video below:
Sadaf came in and said,”Umang I have to honestly tell you that I have never stuck with any exercise. I hate exercising. So I can’t promise that I will come back!”
I asked Sadaf to come in for a complimentary session with no strings attached and absolutely no pressure. If she did not like it, she never had to come back!
Guess what happened? She fell in love with what she did in that 1 hour and became our dedicated Gentle Yoga Student. Within a month she has started taking even our Easy Yoga Class for she loves the moves!
How about you? Are you an exercise hater too? Let’s make you fall in love with taking care of yourself.
Call us: (925)819-6327
email: umang@wellnesshaven.com
110 Ryan Industrial Ct. San Ramon CA 94583
website: www.wellnesshaven.com