Are you someone who starts each year saying, “I want to lose weight?” and yet remain unsuccessful?
You have come to the right place. At Wellness Haven, we are very successful at transforming the very way you think about health, nutrition, what you should eat and when and how!
Read below to see what Catherine had to say after she had already gone through 4 different weight loss programs! She joined ours because she trusted us and had faith seeing how we educate our students in everything we do at Wellness Haven, and joined our unlimited package with all our programs: Nutrition, Yoga, Breathing and Meditation.
“Dear Umang,
This is my journey. I am a diabetic who had high cholesterol.
I started Umang’s Wellness Haven Yoga middle of September, 2014. I had mentioned to my husband that I wanted to join a yoga studio because I disliked going to the gym; it was so impersonal – I was one of seventy students in the yoga class. People lined up, attended and then left!
My husband found Umang’s Wellness Haven. I came for 2 weeks. I felt I found my place. Umang makes us feel like home. It is most welcoming and nurturing haven.
After a month of Umang’s Yoga, I wanted to try her Nutrition program and Meditation and Breathing. Even though I paid for everything because I had bought her 3 months unlimited package with all her programs (yoga, Breathing, Meditation and Nutrition), I kept putting off the nutrition. Umang had said it was alright, I will start when I was ready. I finally started January 12, 2015.
After completing the 12 week plan, my diabetic hemoglobin A1C was 5.8, it was 11 before. My cholesterol used to be 210 and had dropped 102 points to 108. My endocrinologist was shocked and I told her how I did it with Umang’s help.
I have lost over 25 pounds since I joined Umang’s Wellness Haven. I haven’t weighed this in over 32 years since my youngest was born! My body fat went down 5% (41 to 36). I have lost 1.4″ in my upper arms (13.5 to 12.1), 3″ in my waist (38.5 to 35.5), 2.2″ in my hips (43.4 to 41.2), 2.8″ in my thighs (22 to 19.2), .5″ in my calves (14.5 to 14). In September I was a size 14. Now I am size 8. This has surpassed all my expectations! I feel wonderful and happy. That is all I can ask for.
I enjoy coming to yoga. I love the feeling after attending Umang’s class. It is euphoria! Thank you Umang for helping me in my journey. I appreciate your coaching and friendship.Thank you. Sincerely, Catherine Hickman.”
June 1 is right around the corner and Wellness Haven is ready to begin yet another group in our thriving “12 Week Wellness Haven Nutrition Program – Lower Your Fat!”
Join us and start your summer off in the best possible manner and then continue even after summer at no extra charge, for once in our program you continue to detox with us every quarter!
Many of us at Wellness Haven are in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th weeks of the Wellness Haven Nutrition Program – Lower Your Fat and all of us are doing very well.
“My husband told me I have lost the 2nd tire around my belly”
“My son told me I have lost my 2nd chin!”
“I have learned a new way of living and I do not miss my old one!”
“I cant believe this is so practical”
We get to hear such exciting results on a daily basis.
We all have goals for health and we all are well on our way for we have made a pact with ourselves that when it comes to health we will let NOTHING stand in our way!
Always ask yourself, “Why am I letting external things come in the way of my desire to be healthier, slimmer and more confident about myself?”
You will find that these external barriers are simply excuses – a result of some form of fear – and nothing else. You deserve to be healthy. You deserve to look radiant. You deserve to lose the unnecessary extra fat that got stored due to neglect over the years. You deserve to get your body back in shape. You deserve to eradicate the health issues that have infested your body due to unaware eating habits. You deserve to treat your body like the temple it is meant to be.
Reach out today and become a part of our ever growing community of health conscious people who are shedding the extra weight, who are smiling for they never thought it was possible.
There is no other program out there that gives you the amount of quality time we give you one on one and in a group and whichever way suits your needs like we do. Yes we care like no one else does! Your success means even more to us than you yourself, for in your success lies our success!
There is plenty of information on the internet. There are unlimited programs all over! Then why isn’t everyone in good shape? Because of lack of commitment, time, energy that goes into making dreams come true! We make it happen for you – whether it is health, your realization of your passions and dreams or eradication of stress!
Call us for a free consultation: (925)819-6327
Local Residents: Come on over to Wellness Haven Yoga in San Ramon.
People in other parts of the world, reach to us through:
Facebook message
email: umang@wellnesshaven.com
There is no better time than before this summer begins. Don’t let yet another year go by! Remember, once a part of our program, you are always in it at no extra charge
email: umang@wellnesshaven.com
Link to Nutrition Page: https://www.wellnesshaven.com/lower-your-fat-percentage/
website: www.wellnesshaven.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UmangsWellnessHavenYoga?pnref=lhc
Non-Locals: can join through Facebook video, Skype or phone call
Locals come in:
110 Ryan Industrial Ct., #14
San Ramon CA 94583
We are ready. How about you?