Lose Pounds, Tighten Muscles, Eradicate Health Issues For Good!
We are getting ready for August and renewed energy to help even more people suffering from “over-weight” issues.
With each group of people who go through our 12 Week Nutrition – Lower Your Fat, we make it even more robust than ever before simply because our goal has always been learning through education and experience.
There are so many who have many chronic conditions like the following:
- weight gain and obesity
- inflammation and joint pain
- fluid retention
- fatigue
- sinus and nasal congestion
- brain fog, mood swings, depression, anxiety
- skin conditions like acne and eczema\
- irritable bowel syndrome
- food allergies and other digestive issues
- arthritis
- autoimmune diseases
- hormonal disorders
- high blood pressure
- cholesterol problems
- fibromyalgia
We take you through a 12 Week Program – Jump-Start Your Life, find out about your food habits and food sensitivities, about the physical symptoms you are facing that keep you struggling and miserable, and the lifestyle you are living, and work through the process of “cleansing/elimination, and re-introduction, and introduction of healthy habits” to live a life free of food related health issues resulting in automatic elimination of food you are sensitive to, excess fat and weight loss.
Food culprits could be any of the following:
- sugar
- oil and fat
- gluten
- dairy
- corn
- eggs
- soy
- nuts
- citrus
- yeast
- nightshades (for those highly sensitive)
(Bell peppers, Hot peppers, Tomatoes, Wonderberries, Eggplant, Huckleberries, Goji berries, Kutjera, Naranjillas, Paprika, Pepinos, Pimentos, Morelle de Balbis, Potatoes, Tomatillos, Gooseberries)
Other culprits:
– lack of good sleep
– lack of enough hydration
– lack of exercise
– chronic stress
Our program is very simple and those who dive into it with determination see massive results safely! Stop the suffering and get your life back on track through our 12 Week Program – Jump-Start Your Life
You do not need to wait.
Call today: (925)819-6327
So many have lost 20 pounds and more.
So many have their sugar level in control.
So many have dropped their cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
So many are free of pain and bloated tummy.
So many have got rid of the bulging tires around their belly.
Call today: (925)819-6327
Reach out to us for a Free Consultation, where we will discuss your needs, and tailor the program to suit your needs for we believe that one size does not fit all!
Phone: (925)819-6327
email: umang@wellnesshaven.com
Location: 110 Ryan Industrial Ct., San Ramon, CA 94583
We serve both Local and Remote.
Local California residents we serve are from San Ramon, Danville, Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton, Walnut Creek, Concord, Hayward, Castro Valley and more.
We serve remotely as well no matter which part of the world you are in!
Our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/UmangsWellnessHavenYoga?pnref=lhc