Manage Your Stress Effectively – Reclaim Your Happiness
You are under stress if you are not in your naturally joyful state of being.
There are many underlying factors causing stress in ones life, but every factor is a result of the 3 critical factors mentioned below:
- Relationship: You are in an uncomfortable relationship with a significant other or a family member or a friend or with someone related to your work. Yoiu want to be in control of the situation but you are not. This is damaging to your emotional health.
- Money: Your finances are keeping you worried. You are living from paycheck to paycheck.
- Health: You are not in a healthy state of being. You have physical health related issues. You are unable to manage your Eating Habits.
If you are under duress due to any one of the above, you are STRESSED!
So how do you keep your stress under control?
I manage mine very effectively. Here is My Story – Utter Chaos To Joyful Health
In general people think:
-if they ignore or avoid the stress factor, they will be able to manage their stress – ignoring or avoiding never helps. We need to face our situation boldly and manage the stress factor with result based action steps.
– if they exercise, they will be able to manage their stress – exercise always helps by producing happy hormones in the body but is temporary for as long as you exercise you are good; you leave it and you are back to square one! So Exercise daily!
– if they sit and meditate, they will be able to manage their stress – it relaxes and calms the mind but is temporary for it lasts as long as you have calmed your thoughts! So Meditate daily!
Effective stress management is a skill and an art that is learned through AWARENESS – which comes through education of the mind; through exercises like meditation, breathing techniques and visualization which are simply tools to develop awareness of your authentic Self so that there can be a change in attitude and perceptions, a change in ones belief system, that is transformation in the way you think and act! With changed perceptions and better habits, every aspect of your life improves: relationships, finances, and health.
Such education is even more important than the academics through school and college. It comes with learning life skills – proper learning of life changing tools, with practice, with patience, but when learned you are able to manage your stress in such a way that joy surfaces at all times no matter what is going on in your life!
At Wellness Haven, we are passionate about teaching such tools so that you can better every aspect of your life, so that you can live the life you were meant to live, so that you can feel the joy surging like a fountain from deep within, so that external factors do not keep you bound to struggle and misery. Such powerful tools and techniques that change the very way you think are called Life Coaching Tools and that is what a Life Coach like me teaches you through getting you jump-started on the right track and then holding your hand for a complete one year or as long as you desire to be supported.
We get you started with an initial 4 hour program, Reclaim Your Happiness, which begins your life impacting journey!