Simple Formula For Manifestation
You are here because something about the subject matter heightened your curiosity.
Before you dive in though ask yourself the following question and write down your response:
1. What is it that I have been wanting sincerely and with all my heart to happen in my life and yet I am unable to manifest it?
2. Have I done everything for to make my dream come to fruition?
3. Have I used all possible resources to manifest my dream?
4. Have given “enough time” for the manifestation of my dream?
Did you write down your responses to the above questions? If yes, then read further.
Imagine a cup of delicious tea you made for yourself and when you sat down to drink it, something came in your way, so that you had to put your cup down and take care of the matter at hand. An hour goes by and you come back to your tea. It is cold. You simply sigh!
If you still want to drink the tea, guess what you need to do?
Empty the cup of the cold tea, rinse it out and make yourself a fresh cup of tea, or take another fresh cup instead.
You are now ready to understand what it takes to manifest.
1. Understand your dream and goal.
2. Understand the intensity of your desire to manifest, the emotions around it.
3. Make space and time for the dream that you want to manifest.
4. Do not let barriers in the way of your dream pull you away from your dream.
5. Gather the necessary resources needed to manifest your dream.
7. Pave the path meticulously for your dream.
6. Hold yourself accountable and GET the result!
Know that it takes tremendous amount of time, space, resources, and patience to manifest your dream. If it was not the case, then it everyone would be manifesting all the time…in fact they do!
Now you are confused and saying, “What?”
Yes each one of us is manifesting what is on our minds all the time – frustration, anxiety, negative thinking resulting in nothing but STRESS and then you QUIT saying is it all hogwash!
But hogwash it is not!
Let us approach it in a very simple day to day life manifestation.
1. Understand your dream and goal: You decide to buy yourself a pair of comfortable shoes because your feet have been achy lately.
2. Understand the intensity of your desire to manifest, the emotions around it: You have to get it today or spend another day with achy feet ruining your day!
3. Make space and time for the dream that you want to manifest: You decide that you have a couple of hours the same evening when you can set aside everything else for buying the comfortable shoes takes priority. You even put the uncomfortable shoes that you have been wearing in a bag to give away to charity for you do not need it anymore even though it was still new!
4. Do not let barriers in the way of your dream pull you away from your dream: There were things needing your attention in the evening but you decided that buying the shoes this evening was more important than anything else that evening, for your achy feet had started to give you a lot of restlessness.
5. Gather the necessary resources needed to manifest your dream: You have set aside money to buy your shoes.
7. Pave the path meticulously for your dream: You make your way with your purse to the store carrying the kind of shoes you need.
6. Hold yourself accountable and GET the result!: You go through the shoes that you selected for trial, find the one that is suitable for your needs, pay the price of the shoes and walk out in comfort!
Yes you have manifested your desire to get the shoes the same evening!
The philosophy towards manifesting anything is is the same. The difference maybe in WHAT you NEED to manifest. Somethings in life are much bigger than buying a pair of shoes, the time and space and resources required are much more and the help you need to make your dream come true maybe expertise of those who understand these principles thoroughly.
If you are someone who truly wants to realize your dream, something that seemed not quite possible, with as few mental hangups as possible, with the least amount of frustration and enormous amounts of inspiration, motivation, encouragement and support, and someone to stand behind you in the process and journey of manifestation holding you accountable in your action steps without letting you quit when the going gets tough, in the shortest amount of time, you need a COACH.
The formula for manifestation is simple. To make it smooth, and joyful you need support.
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