Basic Yoga Asanas For Healthy Living
Our Autonomic Nervous System is made up of :
Sympathetic Nervous System / Flight or Fight system stimulated by the daily stresses of life
Parasympatheic Nervous System/Relax System
In general, our Yoga Practice should begin with Breathing Practices and Seated Asanas, beneficial to the Parasympathetic Nervous System. Then we can move into more heat producing lunges and standing asanas which accelerate our heart rate; and conclude with lying down asanas that bring back the balancing parasympathetic nervous system. Our goal is always to balance and regulate the Autonomic Nervous System as we go through our asanas, benefitting the whole human system – mind, body and spirit.
We believe that we should all familiarize ourselves with at least the basic breathing practices and some basic asanas that balance and ground us on a daily basis and keep the Autonomic Nervous System in balance.
Pranayama Practice:
- Anulom-Vilom /Alternate Breathing Practice
Seated and Twists Yoga Asanas:
- Sukhasana / Easy Pose
- Baddha Konasana / Bound Angle Pose
- Ardha Matsyendrasana / Half Lord of The Fish Pose
- Janu Sirsasana / Head to Knee Forward Bend
- Dandasana / Staff Pose
- Navasana / Boat Pose
Standing Asanas:
- Mountain Pose / Tadasana
- Warrior I / Veerbhadrasana I
- Warrior II / Veerbhadrasana II
- Extended Side Angle Pose / Utthita Parsavkonasana
- Triangle Pose / Trikonasana
- Downward Facing Dog / Adho Mukha Svanasana
Restorative Asanas:
- Balasana / Child’s Pose
- Savasana / Corpse Pose
~ Umang Goel