Yoga and Neti Pot help with Sinusitis
Millions of people suffer from the common sinusitis which is primarily due to inflammation of the nasal passage, caused by atmospheric irritants like dust and pollen, resulting in pressure on the sinus wall and difficulty in breathing.
The first thing to do is to get consultation from your doctor to make sure there is no infection.
Yoga asanas helps one deal with sinusitis like many other physical ailments, since it is a natural healing practice without the outside use of chemicals.
Yoga asanas that have been proven to be effective in sinus problems are those that involve a form of inversion or forward bend that are effective in clearing out nasal passages, as they act as natural flushing mechanism.
Some effective asanas are:
Forward bend, downward facing dog, plough pose, shoulder stand, plough Pose.
Kapalbhati/breath of fire are also effective – quick exhalations that emanate from the abdominal muscles rather than the chest and cleanses the lungs and the nasal passages.
Neti pot is also an effective tool for clearing nasal passages.
A regular, consistent yoga practice that includes all asanas and breathing techniques is a wonderful prevention method for physical and mental ailments. Get yourself into a healthy practice.
If there is joyous health, there is everything else!! ~ Umang