Yoga For Back Pain
One of the reasons people come in for a yoga class is to seek relief from back pain.
There are some very simple yogic stretches and twists that people are able to do and resolve their back pain, as they gently build their back muscles and release the tightness and tension from their back.
1. One of the gentlest yoga asanas is “supported bridge pose” where you are on your back, with bent knees, arms by the side of the hips, palms facing downwards, and you gently lift the hips up and bring them down and repeat this a few times. The hips do not have to be raised more than the body allows – just a little off the floor will do.
2. Another gentle yoga asana is when you find release in the lower back by coming on your belly and your forearms, curling toes so that the shins are off the floor but groin bone is on the mat, and you simply twist the lower body from side to side without moving the upper body.
Besides the above, the following asanas also help:
3. Cat-Cow Pose
4. Legs-Up-The-Wall with lower back support
5. Leg Twist while in a supine pose
At Wellness Haven we devote some form of lower back release in every class so that our students get a daily dose of self-care.