Yoga for Veterans is having a big impact on those coming back from active duty. Yoga is now practiced in the U.S. Army with other traditional exercises.
Yoga has been found to be very beneficial to veterans that are suffering from depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. For post-traumatic stress disorder yoga has been found to be a helpful complementary treatment.
For depression yoga has been extremely helpful for those suffering from low-grade depression to major depressive disorder. The combination of the poses, breathing and meditation helps those bring themselves to the current moment and allowing them to clear their minds. You know if you are a yoga practitioner that you can have days when you are feeling down. Then you attend a class and feel completely different afterwards!
When you are practicing yoga you are increasing serotonin levels which will elevate your mood. At the same time your resting heart rate decreases, your blood pressure lowers, pain tolerance and breathing improves.
If you have a friend or relative that has been in the military and having issues, you would be doing them a service in return by steering them towards yoga classes!