Complete List of Yoga Asanas

Why are Yoga Asanas Important?

Yoga asanas are critical to human health. Unlike So many other exercises at the gym which take care of the big muscle groups through weight-lifting andbody work with other machines, through yoga asanas, we use our own body resistance to build our muscle strength, flexibility, stamina and endurance. Yoga asanas take care of the body inside-out. Yoga asanas imapct the internal organs and rejuvenates them resulting in a refreshed body as well as a refreshed mind. Yes, Yoga asanas bring the mind, the body and the soul in sync.

Wellness Haven Yoga Asanas

Wellness Haven Yoga Asanas

Following is a comprehensive list of Yoga Asanas taught at Wellness Haven Yoga in San Ramon, in classes taught throughout the day, as can be seen in the Wellness Haven Class Schedule. We offer yoga poses for those who have no yoga experience to the beginners of yoga as well as to the more experienced prapractitioners through various yoga classes. Enjoy the yogic benefits no matter where you are.

Comprehensive List of Yoga Asanas / Poses

# Pose Name in English Pose name in Sanskrit
1 Bharadvaja’s Twist Bharadvajasana I
2 Big Toe Pose Padangusthasana
3 Boat Pose Paripurna Navasana
4 Bound Angle Pose Baddha Konasana
5 Bow Pose Dhanurasana
6 Bridge Pose Setu Bhandha Sarvangasana
7 Camel Pose Ustrasana
8 Cat Pose Marjaryasana
9 Chair Pose Utkatasana
10 Child’s Pose (hip on heels) Balasana
11 Cobra Pose Bhujangasana
12 Corpse Pose Savasana
13 Cow Face Pose Gomukhasana
14 Cow Pose Bitilasana
15 Crow Pose Bakasana
16 Crane Pose Bakasana
17 Dolphin Pose Makarasana
18 Dolphin Plank Pose Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana
19 Downward Facing Dog Adho Mukha Svanasana
20 Eagle Pose Garudasana
21 Easy Pose Sukhasana
22 Eight Angle Pose Astavakrasana
23 Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose Uttahita Hasta Padangustasana
24 Extended Puppy Pose Uttana Shishosana
25 Extended Side Angle Pose Uttahita Parsvakonasana
26 Extended Triangle Pose Utthita Trikonasana
27 Feathered Peacock Pose Pincha Mayuirasana
28 Fire Log Pose Agnistambhasana
29 Firefly Pose Titibhasana
30 Fish Pose Matsyasana
31 Four Limbed Staff Pose Chaturanga Dandasana
32 Garland Pose Malasana
33 Gate Pose Parighasana
34 Half Frog Pose Ardha Bhekasana
35 Half Lord of the Fish Pose Ardha Matsyendrasana
36 Half Moon Pose Ardha Chandrasana
37 Handstand Adho Mukha Vrksasana
38 Happy Baby Pose Anand Balasana
39 Head to Knee Forward Bend Janu Sirsasana
40 Hero Pose Virasana
41 Heron Pose Krounchasana
42 High Lunge (hands down) Alanasana
43 High Lunge (hands Up) or Crescent Pose Alanasana
44 Intense Side Stretch Pose Parsvottanasana
45 Legs up the Wall Pose Viparita Karani
46 Locust Pose Salabhasana
47 Lord of the Dance Pose Natarajasana
48 Lotus Pose Padmasana
49 Low Lunge Anjaneyasana
50 Marichi’s Pose Marichyasana III
51 Monkey Pose Hanumanasana
52 Mountain Pose Tadasana
53 Noose Pose Pasasana
54 One Legged King Pigeon Pose Ek Pada Rajkapotasana II
55 Peacock Pose Mayurasana
56 Pigeon Pose Kapotasana
57 Plank Pose Kumbhakasana
58 Plow Pose Halasana
59 Pose Dedicated to Sage Koundinya I Eka Pada Koundinyanasana I
60 Pose Dedicated to Sage Koundinya II Eka Pada Koundinyanasana II
61 Pose Dedicated to Sage Koundinya III Eka Pada Koundinyanasana III
62 Pose Dedicated to Sage Marichi I Marichyasana I
63 Rabbit Pose Sasangasana
64 Reclining Bound Angle Pose Supta Baddha Konasana
65 Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose Supta Padangusthasana
66 Reclining Hero Pose Supta Virasana
67 Revolved Head to Knee Pose Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana
68 Revolved Side Angle Pose Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
69 Scale Pose or Balance Pose Tolasana
70 Seated Forward Bend Paschimottanasana
71 Shoulder Pressing Pose Bhujapidasana
72 Side Crane Pose or Side Crow Pose Parsva Bakasana
73 Side Plank Pose Vasisthasana
74 Side Reclining Leg Life Anantasana
75 Sphinx Salamba Bhujangasana
76 Staff Pose Dandasana
77 Standing Forward Bend Uttanasana
78 Standing Half Forward Bend Ardha Uttanasana
79 Standing Split Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana
80 Supported Headstand Salamba Sirsasana
81 Supported Shoulderstand Salamba Sravangasana
82 Tree Pose Vrksasana
83 Upward Bow Pose or Full Wheel Urdhva Dhanurasana
84 Upward Facing Two Foot Staff Pose Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana
85 Upward Plank Pose Purvottanasana
86 Upward Salute Urdhva Hastasana
87 Upward Facing Dog Pose Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
88 Warrior I Pose Virbhadrasana I
89 Warrior II Pose Virbhadrasana II
90 Warrior III Pose Virbhadrasana III
91 Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend Upavistha Konasana
92 Wide Legged Forward Bend Prasarita Padottanasana
93 Wild Thing Pose Camatkarasana

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Wellness Haven Yoga

San Ramon, California 94583
Tel: (925) 819-6327

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