1. Matsyasana / Fish Pose
matsya = fish
2. Supt Virasana / Reclining Hero Pose
supt = lying down/reclining
vira = hero
Matsyasana and Supt Virasana are poses that offer a broad range of benefits. These stretch and strengthen the chest muscles, the pectoral muscles, the quads, the knees, and the neck muscles. They are also called the ‘destroyer of all diseases”. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced student, you can do this pose as there are modifications for this pose at all levels of yoga in all Wellness Haven Yoga Classes held at San Ramon location.
- Stretches the chest and pectoral muscles
- Stretches the abdomen
- Stretches and thighs, hip flexors (psoas)
- Stretches the knees
- Stretches the ankles
Note: At Wellness Haven we do this asana in every class but a modified supported version in the Gentle Yoga Class.
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