Posts Tagged ‘Pranayama’


Cardiac Coherence Breathing

Scientific American tweeted very recently about “Cardiac Coherence Breathing.” It is a bit unfortunate that Scientific American gave Pranayama an American name. They did they did refer to alternate nostril breathing having been practiced and having its origins in India. They mention that Pranayama (“breath retention”) yoga was the first doctrine to build a theory around

Conscious Living

Conscious Living

From where you are to where you want to be is a journey of conscious steps that anyone can accomplish provided there is clarity about what one wants and clarity about the action steps. As you consciously take these action steps to improve the quality of your life, you also come closer to achieving what you desire. This is conscious living.

Healthy Life Practices

Fast Healing With Healthy Practices

My personal health journey from not taking care of myself to becoming a health practitioner has given me tremendous life benefits that I will be forever grateful for. Learning healthy habits over the course of years has not only helped me and my family but it has enabled me to become a role model to

Pain Relief at Wellness Haven Yoga

I Hurt All Over!

“Every bone in my body hurts! I am hardly sleeping at night. Please take me to the doctor!”  This used to be my thought every night in 2006 until I actually took action to do something about it. Wellness Haven Yoga in San Ramon has been created with love and compassion in the heart for women who

Lose Pounds, Tighten Muscles, Eradicate Health Issues

Lose Pounds, Tighten Muscles, Eradicate Health Issues For Good! We are getting ready for August and renewed energy to help even more people suffering from “over-weight” issues. With each group of people who go through our 12 Week Nutrition – Lower Your Fat, we make it even more robust than ever before simply because our

Weight Loss Journey Jan 12 2014 to April 2014

I Want To Lose Weight!

Are you someone who starts each year saying, “I want to lose weight?” and yet remain unsuccessful? You have come to the right place. At Wellness Haven, we are very successful at transforming the very way you think about health, nutrition, what you should eat and when and how! Read below to see what Catherine had

Aging Gracefully

Aging Gracefully We are human beings. Our bodies degrade as we age, and that is a fact! We cannot deny aging. But what we CAN DO and what IS IN OUR HANDS: AGE GRACEFULLY SLOW DOWN THE AGING PROCESS HOW can you do this? Take care of yourself through expert help that already exists without reinventing the wheel

Manage Your Stress Effectively

Manage Your Stress Effectively – Reclaim Your Happiness You are under stress if you are not in your naturally joyful state of being. There are many underlying factors causing stress in ones life, but every factor is a result of the 3 critical factors mentioned below: Relationship: You are in an uncomfortable relationship with a significant

Not Losing Weight!

Exercising Regularly And Eating Right But Not Losing Weight! “I am exercising regularly, and I am eating right, but I am not losing weight!” Some of you will relate to the above statement. Here are the top few reasons that you may not be losing weight: You may not be having all the ingredients needed

Blessed At Wellness Haven Yoga

Blessed At Wellness Haven Yoga School we are very blessed to have the most positive, joyful, progressive, compassionate and kind people who come to us and become a part of our amazing community, a family of people who care and share and learn and progress together. This is only because we encourage and support such

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Wellness Haven Yoga

San Ramon, California 94583
Tel: (925) 819-6327

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