How do you de-stress yourself?
When you are tired or frazzled or anxious or feeling low, what do you do?
Do you reach out for salty, sugary and fatty food?
Do you sit in front of the television and eat salty, sugary and fatty food?
Do you hide under the blanket?
Do you go for a walk in fresh air?
Do you indulge in some deep breathing /pranayama exercises?
Do you relax with yoga asanas?
Deep Breathing / Pranayama, Meditation and Yoga Asanas are the best drug for frazzled nerves.
Everything comes naturally once they become a habit. It takes not 21 days, but 3 months to form a habit. Know that you are worth the habit that .will keep you healthy for years to come. Everything starts with the first step. Begin with something small like sitting down in silence just for 5 minutes even before you get out of bed or before you go to sleep. Breathe deeply from your belly. Then do this everyday for 90 days and see for yourself what happens!
You will appreciate yourself more than ever before. This is one of the best ways to stay de-stressed on a daily basis.
Try it out today! ~ Umang Goel
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