We here at Wellness Haven Yoga would like to wish everyone happy holidays. We understand that during the holidays that some overindulge and find it hard to say “no” to extra food during this time of year!
We have found that practicing a bit of mindfulness and eat in moderation during the holidays. This will help you enjoy the festive time without experiencing the bloating and other discomfort associated with overeating. So when you are eating you can practice mindfulness with the whole meal, with each bite, and even with your chewing. You just might find that mindful eating will be far more pleasurable than it is if you have ever experienced “eating on the run.”
We understand that this is the time of year that our students want to make New Year’s resolutions when it comes to eating differently or improving their body shape or image. You will do much better by adopting a new way of eating and diet. This takes time to acclimate yourself to eating differently, however if you are passionate about the change you will see success over time. We live in a society that wants things “now”, and getting instant gratification. Changing the way, and the things that you consume is not going to happen overnight. You can adopt a weekly food plan where you can track your eating.
The saying, “You are what you eat” In essence, what is put into the body is what the body will use in the construction and replacement of its cells, hormones and neurotransmitters. Keeping this in mind when you make a New Year’s resolution may help you become more passionate about not only making the change, but have it become your new habit!
If you are wanting a guided way to change your eating, please consider looking into our 12 week nutrition program by clicking HERE